Tuesday, November 1, 2011

50.000 steps or 50.000 words..

Okay, so I gave in. I started writing today and entered NaNoWrMo.
Three hundred words so far..yesssiree.
I bought a pedometer and am walking my little cherub/grandson around the tract.
Ten thousand steps so far in two days. At this rate I reach New York City in three years.
Why the contests..walking and writing?
I do not know. I feel better when I walk and it get easier each time.
I feel my muse taking over when I write.
So merging the mental and the physical may not be a bad thing.
We will see at the end of November.


  1. GOOD FOR YOU, MARIE!!! Keep up the great work!!

  2. Thanks, Tess!
    It is loads of fun trying to come up with ideas and scenarios.
    Good luck to you also in all your great endeavours.
