Monday, January 16, 2012

Mustering...the courage

The month of January is slipping into mid-January and my brain has not yet lit on any resolutions. I guess that would make me dizzy or scatter-brained.
However, when I watch some contestants on shows whether it be pageants or sports the word "determination" or "driven" or "overachiever" is bandied about.
If a sports figure loses a game he is given a short time to comment about what he should have done and what he will do in the future.
"Mustering the courage" is a phrase that comes to mind in my life.
Courage to me is not a rise to overcome a crisis but a quiet determination to analyze a situation and maybe find a solution,
Accepting the scatter brained assessment I embrace it. It comes in handy in times of trouble because I can stop and come to grips with a solution..maybe.
So mid-January resolutions are not so bad.
I can mull over the rise of fall of former quests and decide that thinking of my fellow man is uppermost in my mind.
Sure, it comes with a price. Pampering myself, escaping, or just plain laziness is not an option.
So I say to myself..make every day count. Accept the task at hand and thrive. Take the road to fulfillment and give gratitude each day for the chance.


  1. Very well said! Hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you, Marie!

  2. Hi, Tess!
    I hope that your new year is wonderful also.
    Great to see you here!
