Thursday, September 1, 2011

So many irons in the fire..

Sometimes  I fear that I might become bored. Not the case these last few years.
Reading novels until I fear my eyes will cross, savoring new TV shows, trying out new knitting projects. Even joining a writing contest last year..NaNoWrimo.
Ha!  That was a learning experience. Here I thought that I could knock off a story in no time flat and I became paralyzed with fear and writer's block.
Then I reassessed the project.  Even with my trusty craft books on writing I had the humbling experience of realizing that  I had so much to learn about writing.
I have a new appreciation for the blood, sweat and tears that go into a good story.
Do I feel defeated? No..just energized by the fact that the writing challenge awaits me and that life itself is an ongoing ebb and flow. My hat is off to all who ever became published and to those who soon will have the chance to be seen in print.


  1. Marie...I've done NaMo a couple of times...but have to be honest...I don't work well under the far as the writer's block...I've never really experienced it...but my writing style is a bit different than most. I write scenes as the come to me...then later I figure out where it goes in the story (and sometimes it doesn't LOL). So next time you feel blocked...I suggest just writing a scene...any scene...I usually have at least two projects going on at once and can find something to write about with those two, but if not...I write about something frees up my imagination! Happy Writing.

    Just a note...I don't suggest this is a good way to write! As a matter of fact, it's probably the way to do everything wrong, but it works for me. Although I have a lot more time on edits than least I think I do!

  2. Hi, Tess!
    Keep doing what your doing because your writing is fabulous.
    I am anxiously waiting for EYES OF JADE.

    I am going to keep writing and I thank you very much for the tip on writing a scene. That sounds like such a wonderful idea.
    All the best.
