Thursday, January 26, 2012

A beautful bouquet

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

A visit to the doctor this week for a cold remedy reminded me of my kids when they were little.
We would pile on the bed and sing this song:

I haven't been jumping on the bed lately. I have just been taking medicine doses and slowly getting over a wretched cold.
I am wondering what songs you sang with your family when they were home?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Mustering...the courage

The month of January is slipping into mid-January and my brain has not yet lit on any resolutions. I guess that would make me dizzy or scatter-brained.
However, when I watch some contestants on shows whether it be pageants or sports the word "determination" or "driven" or "overachiever" is bandied about.
If a sports figure loses a game he is given a short time to comment about what he should have done and what he will do in the future.
"Mustering the courage" is a phrase that comes to mind in my life.
Courage to me is not a rise to overcome a crisis but a quiet determination to analyze a situation and maybe find a solution,
Accepting the scatter brained assessment I embrace it. It comes in handy in times of trouble because I can stop and come to grips with a solution..maybe.
So mid-January resolutions are not so bad.
I can mull over the rise of fall of former quests and decide that thinking of my fellow man is uppermost in my mind.
Sure, it comes with a price. Pampering myself, escaping, or just plain laziness is not an option.
So I say to myself..make every day count. Accept the task at hand and thrive. Take the road to fulfillment and give gratitude each day for the chance.