Thursday, January 26, 2012

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

A visit to the doctor this week for a cold remedy reminded me of my kids when they were little.
We would pile on the bed and sing this song:

I haven't been jumping on the bed lately. I have just been taking medicine doses and slowly getting over a wretched cold.
I am wondering what songs you sang with your family when they were home?


  1. Oh heavens...hope you're better soon, Marie! I have the cutest video of my son when he's about three or four and he's sing Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!! He had the deepest little's just precious!

  2. Hi, Tess. I am starting to feel better but I have been lagging. Your son sounds so cute. Those children's songs resonate all through our life, I think.
    My little grandson like Pat a cake and puts his arms up automatically when baby and me comes up. He is only sixteen years old but we love it..LOL. just kidding he is eight months old.

  3. daddy rides the grandbabies on his leg and sings this teegalo's french, I guess it means giddy up...and the kids absolutely love it...
