Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I STILL want to be a writer.

So anxious to read my first paragraph of my first draft I forgot the rule..don't tell anyone what you are writing.
So I go into detail about the heroine wearing a body stocking and I am met with "What is a body stocking?"
I explain that the heroine is on a movie set and she is asked to play a nude scene.
I go on to give the definition of a body stocking comparing it to a leotard.
"So why doesn't she wear a leotard?"
I say that she is not a dancer she is  movie star trying to be modest,
"And why does she want to be modest?"
She comes from a strict upbringing and she is shy.
"So why is she making a smutty film?"
By now I am trying to distinguish smut from the license to keeping  a story moving along.
Back to the drawing board or the keyboard.
Now, I just have to avoid explaining the nude body stocking versus the nude leotard...


  1. Thanks, Tess. There is no limit to the hilarity that I try to share.LOL. At least I am having fun.Thanks for the kind comment.
    Have a wonderful week.
