Sunday, September 4, 2011

Goo.gaga or Lady Gaga..How to talk to a baby

Looking for ways to amuse my newest cherub/grandchild I reached into the recesses of my mind and mulled over the question..what would a new baby like to hear? Lullabies, Katy Perry, The cast album recreation of The Sound of Music or Itsy, Bitsy Spider?
Some people have the baby talk knack down to a science. They make the cooing and expressions  and the oohing and aahing and the baby mimics them right back. Or right back atcha Grandma.
Me, not so much. I did not talk baby talk to my little ones and the first child spoke in full sentences when she first uttered.."What's to eat, Mother? The fridge looks empty to me." Of course she jiggled the jello containers before they were jello and oops onto the floor they went. I did not utter any words..just cleaned the sticky jello from the pristine floor.
So the other day I began the medley of Lady Gaga and Katy Perry and Michael Jackson with a few songs such as "My favorite things" and he smiled at me and I think that he will forgive an old lady if she tries to mimic Beyonce.
What are your favorite songs or things to amuse a baby? I can use all the help that I can get.


  1. I always sang just anything on my mind at the time, but my mother in law always sang Mr. Frog and all the grandkids would sing the 'uh huh...uh huh' with her from the age of six months was precious!

  2. Hi, Tess
    Your mother in law sounds like a fun lady.
